The month of July/2015 sees three premieres of works by Luís Carvalho, in three different countries. On July 10, Portuguese saxophonist Luís Ribeiro will give...
Within the artistic season 2015 of the Venezuelan El Sistema, the Simón Bolívar Youth Symphony Band, under music direction of Portuguese António Saiote, will play...
Henrique Portovedo (saxophone) and Filipa Cardoso (piano) to give a recital next 28/January in Lisbon, at Liceu Camões, featuring, amongst others, the Portuguese premiere of...
International Festival Clarinet Talents – in Aveiro 14-15-16/February/2015 Masterclasses, concerts, conferences, lectures and exhibitions. Further info …
Portuguese oboist Tiago Coimbra, recently choosen as solo-oboe of the Göttinger Symphonie Orchester (Germany), will premiere Chirimia for solo oboe, by Luís Carvalho. The concert...
Portuguese saxophone player, Henrique Portovedo, will premiere Chirimia, by Luís Carvalho (version for solo soprano-saxophone), on May, 2, 2014, within the program of the I...
Luís Carvalho signs an article in the online magazine Mundo Açoriano, available here: