July with 3 premieres in 3 countries
The month of July/2015 sees three premieres of works by Luís Carvalho, in three different countries.
On July 10, Portuguese saxophonist Luís Ribeiro will give the world premiere of COON-O-SAX, for solo Alto-saxophone, within the program of SaxOpen-2015, World Saxophone Congress (Strasbourg/France).
The following day, July 11, Luís Carvalho himself conducts the Viana do Castelo Professional School of Musica Symphony Orchestra, in the premiere of his own new version for symphony orchestra of «Arco-Íris», by Duarte Ferreira Pestana, one of the more outstanding works for wind band by a Portuguese composer.
Later on, on July 25, the Desconcertante Duo (Sérgio Neves, clarinet & Carisa Marcelino, accordion) will premiere FUNKY MINIATURE within the program of the World Clarinet Congress [ClarinetFest® 2015/Madrid], in Spain.
Previously, on July/23, and also within the program of the ClarinetFest® 2015/Madrid, Luís Carvalho will conduct his own Mozartiana with the University of Aveiro Clarinet Ensemble.